Swift Challenge

Everything is optional!

Congratulations on finding another Hummus Challenge. In this challenge, we've hidden the next clue in some randomized data about people and their hummus creations. A common problem with data, though, is that sometimes people leave things blank! Even with missing data, we still need to be able to sort it.
Sort the data and decode the clue!

Below is a sample dataset that has already been sorted. Notice how it is sorted in increasing order by each column. If two rows have the same value in a column, then they are sorted by the next column. Also notice that in a correct sort for this challenge, nil values are considered the smallest.

Finally, to get the clue you'll need to decode each "Rating" integer as its corresponding ASCII character. Once you have the data sorted, the first 18 rows that have non-nil Ratings will be your clue!


Your Decoding: